How Do I: Build a Bench Power from a PSU!

I teased a working unit of a bench power that I built last year. I cataloged the process in the best way I could figure, and here's that post! So here's my second "How Do I..." Build a Bench Power from a PSU. I'm not an electrical engineer or have any background in engineering or electronics. I'm happy to pass this knowledge along, and I hope you find it useful.

Liitokala Lii-S1 Single Bay Charger Review

Liitokala is known for nice products which tend to be reasonably priced.  This is their latest offering, an update to the Lii-100.  This is the Lii-S1, which has a digital display, and the option to work no matter the orientation of the cell.  A novel feature!  Read on for more.

Lumintop ODF30 Flashlight Review

I've started talking to Lumintop directly, but this ODF30 isn't one they'd planned on sending.  GearBest sent it out, and here's my test!  It's a 26650 light with a Cree XHP70.2 emitter - a category that seems to be getting more interest lately.  Read on!

Boker Chap D2 Knife Review

The last of a bunch of items I received from is this little Boker knife.  I wasn't expecting them to send this, but I'm pleased they did!  I haven't reviewed a knife in a while so unlike the knife I'm a bit rusty.  And I'll try to make that the last #dadjoke....

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