Skilhunt S2 Pro and S3 Pro Flashlight Review

It should be well known by this point that I am a fan of Skilhunt.  I've been a huge fan of the H03, and that's just fostered a favor toward the brand.  I've been asking over and over to get some other Skilhunt lights from Gearbest, and finally they obliged me by sending this S2 Pro and S3 Pro.  Both are form factors I already know I like (like the Nitecore P30) but add on-board charging to the mix.  Let's see how they fare!!

Sunwayman C12CC and C22CC Flashlight Review

It's been a while since I reviewed a Sunwayman light, and they've put out some interesting things.  The lights I've been working on are the CC series.  GearBest was kind enough to send me both the C12CC and C22CC, which are essentially the same light with a difference in cell body.  As such, this review will be a co-review for the two, with the differences noted where necessary.

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