Venom Orion Flashlight Review

I have a penchant for snagging things I don't need, which meet the criteria for things I like.  I like brass triples.  This light by VenomDD wasn't even on my radar, but I found a great price on a copy, so I snagged it.  (Thanks for pointing me to it, u/emarkd!) Yes, this is another triple.  Another brass triple.  Does it cut the mustard?  Read on to find out!

Lumintop IYP365 Pen Flashlight Review

What I have today is another Lumintop, in a long line of Lumintop reviews.  This is one I've been excited about, because it's Nichia and brass.  Unfortunately, Lumintop didn't want to send brass or titanium, but I'm not going to hold that against them. 🙂  Here's the Lumintop IYP365 in aluminum, with a Nichia emitter. 

Brass Embassy Pen REV 3 (New 2018 Model)

Another item that CountyComm sent for review!  This is the Brass Embassy Pen, Rev 3 (2018).  I love brass, and it's just blind luck that the nice folks at CountyComm chose this item for me, and I'm excited to have it!  Read on for more thoughts, and more importantly, photos!!

Maratac PCL Brass Keychain Flashlight Review

Everyone probably knows by now I enjoy brass lights.  All kinds, all sizes.... I recently acquired the Maratac PCL in Brass.  I don't like these as keychain lights, but they're fun lights to keep around.  They call it the Personal Carry Light, and here are my thoughts!

Lumintop Tool, Aluminum, Copper, Brass, and Titanium Combo Review

In truth I'm probably the last flashlight person on Earth without a Lumintop Tool AAA.  But there are some variations I've gained interest in, and they're also a an inexpensive way to get Nichia 219b emitters.  GearBest was kind enough to send three out for review.  After getting those three I liked them enough to purchase the Brass version for myself!

Lumintop Ant Brass Flashlight Review

I continue to have interest in brass lights.  I never had the original Lumintop Tool (the tailswitch was unappealing to me).  But I asked GearBest and received the brass version of the Ant, which is a side switch tool (basically).  Read on!

Spinozy Spinner Review

Preface Here's a spinner from a new guy on the block.  He goes by the name of Spinozy Spinners, and he has quite a few offerings at the moment.  He asked if I'd review this "Cyclone" spinner, so here goes! Some of these photos will include two of Spinozy's other spinners.  I'm only reviewing the... Continue Reading →

DQG Fairy Flashlight Review

After an ongoing discussion here about the smallest 18650 light available, I talked Kathy at GearBest into sending one of those DQG Tiny 18650 lights. At the same time, she included the DQG Fairy. I've reviewed a similar light before - the CooYoo Quantum. These are fun little lights, but let's put it through some paces to see how it looks.

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